When we post a photo on Instagram Doctor Said My Sugar's High I Said Naw Sir T-Shirt . we call it sharing. But what are we sharing. really? Just pixels on a phone screen, the abstract capture of a moment. It’s not something to cherish, something to hold, something to mark the passage of time, no matter how often we see it or save it or fave it. Willy Vanderperre would like to change that with the launch of a series of new books produced with Idea Books that will go on sale at Dover Street Market today. The first is called 865. 865 is a chronology of every Instagram photo Vanderperre has posted on his account, willyvanderperre, since the publication of his first Insta-book, 635, in 2015. As such, 865 is a testament to the photographer’s growing body of work for Raf Simons
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